Blog Archives

Love & Guts Podcast with Greg Schmaus

In this podcast, Greg and Lynda explore the root causes of our current mental health crisis. Greg shares his story and unique healing journey. Greg and Lynda also explore the brain to gut connection and why gut health and mental health are intimately related. Click here to listen to Greg and Lynda on the Love […]

Integrate Yourself Podcast | A Holistic Approach to Mental Health Post 2020

“Working with the mind is very much a paradox”  Greg Schmaus Today we talk about approaching mental health holistically, the impact 2020 had on our mental health, how archetypes are the root of everything and so much more. Greg Schmaus shares how he recovered from mental health challenges by approaching it holistically and how we […]

What happened last year…. (Zach Bush MD)

Hi my friends! I hope you are all well. As a holistic health coach and forever student of health and wellness, I am always looking for the pioneers, great thinkers, and practitioners that are at the cutting edge of science, medicine, and healing. I recently watched an incredible lecture by Dr. Zach Bush MD. Zach […]

Kyle Kingsbury Podcast with Greg Schmaus

In this podcast, Kyle and I discuss a wide variety of topics including archetypes, mental health, plant medicine, and how the body and the mind are fully integrated systems. Kyle is the founder of the Onnit Podcast, Kyle Kingsbury Podcast, and the Human Optimization Hour. His focus and work revolve around human growth and performance […]

Wellness Force | Ancient Secrets: Healing OCD & Boosting Mental Health

International Holistic Health Coach and Licensed Massage Therapist at Greg’s Holistic Strength Training, Greg Schmaus, shares his incredible story of developing OCD and then healing it, how to take back your health into your own hands, the blessing of being a wounded healer, and how listening to your body’s wisdom will greatly serve you along […]

Podcast with Paul Chek: Overcoming OCD and the Mental Health Crisis

In this podcast, Paul and I discuss the current mental health crisis, the many root causes of these challenges, and various tools and practices to help heal from them.  I also share my own personal healing journey and the two years of coaching that Paul and I did together.  Want to get better mental health […]
